Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan today said honesty, hard work and will for win help one to achieve big in life.
''It does not matter which sport one plays because it helps every individual in the field he works. So one must follow a sport in everyday life,'' said Shah Rukh, while speaking to reporters after inaugurating Abhijeet
Kadam Memorial Football tournament here this evening.
''Honesty, hard work and will for win help to achieve big in life, so every young Indian should follow his dream and work hard towards it,'' he said.
On his newly-acquired cricket team, King Khan said he supports not only cricket but other games as well and to make other games popular in the country, one needs commerce and business. Cricket being hugely
popular in the country, he decided to acquire a cricket team, which will give him good returns in future.
Friday, February 29, 2008 15:56 IST